EnglishForum - part of IDA Copenhagen

What is EnglishForum?

EnglishForum in IDA Copenhagen arranges social events and workshops in English for IDA members and their companions. The goal is to have a good time while making contacts and initiating friendships. It is equally open to non-Danish and Danish speakers.

You will find the official description of EnglishForum on the following link!

EnglishForum description

Unfortunately the IDA website is fairly useless for finding events for English speaking members. The link below list events that has been marked as suitable for English speaking member. Some event and descriptions may be in Danish, but the organizers will support participants that speak English. Notice that this list includes events all over Denmark, not just Copenhagen. So make sure to check the location when you sign up!

List of events from English part on ida.dk

Who can participate?

Participation in the events is for IDA members, but social events often include an invitation for a companion/partner as well. For some event you can bring more guests.

EnglishForum used to be GlobalForum!

A few may have heard of GlobalForum, but to avoid confusion with other IDA entities the committee is now called EnglishForum.

Links to the IDA site

This website is create and managed by IDA København. It serves only to promote the events and activities created by IDA København for IDA members in the Copenhagen region. It isn't an integrated part of the official ida.dk website of the Danish Society of Engineers.

Contact: Webmaster | EnglishForum